ods.lynx.reUnofficial Odsluchane.eu API

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Get track list (playlist.php)

Usage (GET parameters)

URL: http(s)://ods.lynx.re/playlist.php?r=1&date=01-01-1000&time_from=0&time_to=2


If any of the values of: date, time_from or time_to appears wrong, a playlist from the last 2-hour range of today will be returned.

The difference between time_from and time_to cannot exceed 10, otherwise the output playlist will be empty!

Result (JSON body)

Playlist item body

Possible error messages

Get radio station list (radiolst.php)

Usage (GET parameters)

URL: http(s)://ods.lynx.re/radiolst.php

Result (JSON body)

Station list body

The list consists of a few radio station groups with each of them containing groupName and another array called stations.

Each item of stations contains id and name.

Possible error messages